Saturday, March 5, 2011

Prolly too much information

(said like Jerry Seinfield)

Warning: This blog is REALLY random.

Where to begin. Well, about a month ago I went to the hospital only to find out that I have kidney stones. Yup, you read that right: STONES, as in more than one. Two in the right and three in the left kidney. For those of you who are terrible at math that equals FIVE KIDNEY STONES.I should really win an award. Seriously, what is the most stones someone can have!? I guess I could google it but I will leave it as a rhetorical question (and pretend that I win at having the most stones). So I decided to draw a picture out of frustration (using my awesome sketchpad that B got me for Christmas). ENJOY!

Haha, get it?!?! My kidneys are stoned, haha. I crack myself. 

Moving on.

Brandon and I have enjoyed playing with our kitties and taking tons of pictures of them. Maybe even to the point of obsession. But oh well, if people on facebook can give a live play by play on what their child does every minute of everyday, then I can take ridiculous amounts of pictures of my babies. That's right, I called them babies. So for those of you who don't mind, here they are. 

 They love to cuddle. Absolutely precious.

Seriously, how can you not think this is adorable!

wassuuupppppp ROFL
PS: He sat like this for like 30 min.

Ok, enough about them (for now). The other day I got a letter in the mail from my niece Emily. I would do NO justice in trying to explain it so you have to see it for yourself. One of the CUTEST things I have ever seen.

Eat your hear out SHILO,  I am the best Aunt ever, haha! JK I am sure she said the same thing to you. I miss my family so much! The kids are growing up so fast and I am not there to see it :( Here we all are together last May

And now, just a little shout out to my is her birthday month :) Here she is! I love her to pieces!

Thanks for reading! Have a FANTASTIC rest of the weekend!

Peace, love and kitties.


  1. Why is Shilo so freaking gorgeous?!?!?

  2. Oh yeah, and P.S. - I am SOOOO sorry to hear about your stoned kidneys. I love you and miss you and if I were there I would take care of you and definitely confiscate whatever paraphernalia those pesky organs were holding. It got weird. Whatever.

  3. Ummm... I did not get a Valentine from our niece. Just sayin.
    And thanks for photo shopping me so I look purrrdddy.
    Sorry about the stones.

  4. Let's just start out by saying no I didn't get the 'stoned kidneys'. I was like, "are they smoking something" haha I love the letter you got from Emily! So cute! Shilo naturally looks awesome in that picture. What a sweet sister to recognize her in her birthday month! :)

  5. Ashley!! Oh my goodness girl! You are like the kidney stone rock star! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with FIVE kidney stones! That is insane and totally not fair! I hope you get through them ok!

    That is a totally hot picture of Shilo. When was it taken?

    Love you and miss you!!

  6. That pic of Shilo was taken last fall i believe by Jen (her roommate).

  7. Has anyone ever told Shilo she looks like Bethany Joy (from One Tree Hill... don't make fun of me for keeping a hold of my HS ways.)
    She does- and I think Bethany is BEAUTIFUL! So, that means I think the same about Shilo!
